Monday, April 20, 2009

Hometeam BBQ Bluegrass Jam last Thursday Night

Last Thursday I had the pleasure of picking with David Vaughn and Allan Thompson from Blue Plantation along with Gary Payne and Jacob Phillips from my band, The Bluestone Ramblers.


Monday, April 6, 2009

2009 Bridge Run Weekend

Well it was a rare weekend off, and I just happen to live two blocks past the finish line of the Cooper-River Bridge Run. I got some great footage of the mayhem outside my front door. Also my friend Aaron from Blue Plantation stopped by to pick after the "craziness" settled down. We picked just about every song we knew. Lonesome Fiddle Blues is in the video:


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

PBR in the Wind

Last night I payed Cletus a visit to learn some tunes, and to try and catch some rare footage of his southern banjo pick'n ways. I was hoping to get him to show me some standard tunes I have learned wrong and played wrong for years. I need to grab the bull by the horns and relearn them. They say it is 7 times harder to relearn a tune after playing it wrong. You have to over come the bad habits you have instilled in the melody, and retrain your motor skills to play the correct melody. Cletus is a great teacher and has no problem telling you that your melody is wrong. 

The tunes I am focusing on are Temprence Reel, Blackberry Blossom, Whiskey Before Breakfast, and Billy in the Lowground. I was fortunate enough to have him show me a great Mark O'Conner Tune called Picking in the Wind.

Here is the rare footage of my friend:
